Asset Repository WG - 2 Feb 2021


[x] Michael Johnson (Apple) + WG Chair

[x] Joshua Minor (Pixar + OpenTimelineIO)

[ ] John Mertic (Linux Foundation)

[x] Nick Porcino (OTIO, OpenEXR / Pixar)

[x] Eric Enderton (NVIDIA, DigiPro)

[x] Sean McDuffee (Intel)

[x] Eric Bourque (ADSK)

[ ] Erik Hansen

[x] JT Nelson (Pasadena Open Source consortium / SoCal Blender group)

[x] Lee Kerley (SPI)

[x] Phil Sawicki (Autodesk)

[x] Roman Zulak (Imageworks)

[x] Orde Stevanoski (Imageworks)

[ ] Cary Phillips (ILM, OpenEXR)

[X] Sebastian Herholz (Intel)

[x] David Morin

[ ] Sam Richards (Disney Imagineering)

[x] Will Telford (Autodesk)

[x] Sebastian Herholz (Intel)

[ ] Carson Brownlee (Intel)


Agenda Items

Update on Blender discussion


Camera calibration data - good to store?

Start with one asset type, to pipe-clean?

New project requirement, to come with assets? Alternative to Asset Repo?

This WG is working towards recommendations to TAC+Board on Assets.

**Draft Proposal (live edit)**


Goals are the distinct outcomes that is to be anticipated from the working group, serving as a method for validating activities.


Non-goals are things that the working group are intentionally choosing not to do, the things not expected to change due to the working groups efforts, or the subject matter areas that the working groups doesn’t want to address at this time.
