10 April 2024

Attendees: Carol Payne, Kaitlin Pollock, JT Nelson, Jennifer Cremer, Bill Ballew, Nuwan Jayawardene, Tracy Priest, Karen Ruggles, John Mertic, Emily Olin


  1. SLP Update (Karen Ruggles)
  2. TAC Diversity Initiative update (John Mertic)


  • None of note

SLP Update (Karen Ruggles)

TAC Diversity Initiative (John Mertic)

    • Overview: 
      • 2 main governing bodies Governing Board and Technical Advisory Council
      • Org is not top down, but bottom up… so where does DEI fit? 
      • Succession Plan, Rotating Reps
    • Possibility that TAC is treated in in two sections – merit and company
    • Company involvement lacking? 
    • Possibility for D&I members to attend the TAC meeting to be a rep for how D&I can push through their initiatives
    • TSC chair coming at our next meeting
    • After that meeting, our group can help construct some goals and timelines for initiatives

08 May 2024

Attendees: Carol Payne, Rachel Rose, Lori Smallwood, Cary Phillips, Rabih, Nuwan Jayawardene, James Craig, JT Nelson, Emily Olin, Kaitlin Pollock, Karen Ruggles, Bill Ballew, Tracy Priest


  1. Open Source Days info and Update

  2. Summer Learning Program (SLP) Update

  3. TAC Diversity Initiative (Cary Phillips, OpenEXR TSC Chair)

Open Source Days Info and Update

  • Information: Annual, developer-friendly event free and open to everyone associated with SIGGRAPH, but do not need a SIGGRAPH badge to attend. End the day with Beers of a Feather
  • Save the Date July 28 in Denver in-person and Virtual
  • Project townhalls will lead up to SIGGRAPH
  • Looking for presentations, panels, lightning talks Submissions close Sunday. Link to submit: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-days/program/cfp/

Summer Learning Program Update

  • Officially runs 16 June 2024 - 9 August 2024 (about 8 weeks)
  • Cohort all listed Programming/Software Development as their primary interest
  • Currently have 20 SLPs confirmed, but we will push for 21 this year!
  • Next step is to welcome the SLPs through the onboarding process
  • If you volunteered as a Team Lead or Mentor, please be monitoring your emails in the upcoming weeks
  • Speaker Series will also be organized although less pressing for now

TAC Diversity Initiative (Cary Phillips, OpenEXR TSC Chair)

  • In general, the TAC looks more diverse and all have an alternate
  • OpenEXR began in the early 90s. It was developed and passed around at ILM. Open Sourced in 2003
  • There are a lot of ways we can grow OpenEXR, but there is a small team and a lot relies on Kimball Thurston
  • interest in security push 
  • OpenEXR in state where it needs contributors
  • Learning opportunity to learn CMake, GitHub
  • The domain of the topic doesn't have to be the focus of the Project, but taking a wider lens toward GitHub functions
  • Library initiative - using community rooms to have in-person code jam
  • Good first issues

Action Items 

  1. If you have any mentor resources, please send to Karen or Kaitlin
  2. Implement post-event survey in Dev Day type events

June 2024

Attendees: Rachel Rose, Lori Smallwood, Jennifer "Ferby" Cremer, Nuwan Jayawardene, Kaitlin Pollock, Gyedo Jeon, Karen Ruggles, Stephen Mackenzie, Bill Ballew


  1. SLP Update

  2. Town Hall Brainstorming


  • DEI Framework meeting is tomorrow, Thursday 13 June at 3:30pmET
  • Next regular D&I meeting is cancelled. A different time will be announced for special guest – look for notices in email or Slack!

SLP Update (Karen Ruggles)

  • Application reviewers – thank you!! Reviewing timeline went well, but we also took some notes to make it more seamless next year
  • There was a Mentor and Team Lead kick off went well and primed the SLP to start with leadership volunteers armed with success
  • Mentees have been working over the past few weeks with our soft launch
    • all on Slack and in our special channel for just the SLP
    • SLPs were sorted into their teams and engaged in their first organizing/learning path discussions with their Team Lead
    • SLPs selected their learning path
  • Officially begins Monday 17 June
    • please attend our Keynote Address by Rachel Rose on Monday 17 June from 10am-11amPDT (DM Karen Ruggles for Link)
  • 20 SLPs (mostly USA in Eastern Time Zone, but also have international reach in Oman, India, Kenya, and Canada)
  • Next week SLPs will be encouraged to share a Summer Learning Program Cohort 2024 image on Social Media–please watch on Slack for a ping that this has happened so you can share and promote on socials too
  • All SLPs who successfully complete the SLP will earn a Credly digital Badge that they can share on LinkedIn or other platforms. 

Town Hall Brainstorming (Rachel Rose)

  • Each Project and Working Groups are given a Town Hall to inform community in what we do and how it's going
  • Town Hall for D&I Working group from 3 August 2023
  • current statement that will go along with our Town Hall:
    • The Diversity & Inclusion Working Group at the Academy Software Foundation breaks down barriers to access and increases connections among participants in the Foundation’s projects, the larger community, and the VFX & Animation industry. Working Group chairs and members will share recent milestones, future plans and answer questions from the community. Click the "Register to Attend" link above to receive the Zoom details.
  • Ideas for new Town Hall – focus on Call to Action:
    • Panel - with people in current initiatives or owning future initiatives as a way to review and advertise for more membership
    • Dev Days - go over what we did and call to action to get involved
    • Where can people plug in?
  • Potential structure for Town Hall:
    • General Overview of Mission and current initiatives
    • for each initiative:
      • Little bit of deeper dive on initiative
      • Personal story of person who was impacted/involved by initiative
      • Slide with any impact data to share
      • Call to action – where YOU can plug in (potentially with time commitment and general idea of when the initiative is happening (summer, October, all year, etc), who to ping on Slack to express interest

Action Items 

  1. Send your thoughts on Town Hall structure or content 
  2. DM Karen Ruggles if you would like the link to the SLP Keynote by Rachel Rose Monday 17 June from 10am-11amPDT

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