
Meeting Management

  • ASWF uses "LFX PCC Meeting Management service
  • Meeting is in the calendar
  • Create in Meeting Management
  • ★Also have to add it in the OpenFX calendar, but do that after the main one -- this doesn't drive anything, except emailing the mailing list.
  • ★Then send reminders: 1 week before, 1 day before
  • After prev meeting:
    • Schedule next meeting on the openfx calendar (unless it's already done as recurring)
      • It will notify the openfx-discussion list
    • Publish minutes to wiki
    • Add recording from (go to Past Meetings)
    • Publish meeting reminders on discussion list, with link above
  • Meeting announcement template:
    • The next OpenFX ASWF TSC meeting will be on Sept 6 at 11am EDT. Topics will include FILL IN HERE. The meeting is open to all; it will be on Zoom and minutes will be posted afterward on our wiki. If you have topics you would like to see addressed, please email the mailing list no later than the previous day at
  • To change a single meeting time for a recurring meeting (e.g. the monthly TSC meeting):
    • delete the affected instance of the meeting in Meeting Management , then schedule a non-recurring meeting for the new date/time.
      • You can get to it by going to the calendar view, then clicking the ellipsis menu and delete meeting is an option.
    • Update the OpenFX calendar too
    • John Mertic said (Oct 30, 2022) that they're working on an improved process for this.

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